Tag Day

Wakefield Music Logo


Use the link below to donate to TAG DAY 2024 through PayPal, Venmo, or credit card.


TAG DAY this year was on Saturday, September 14, 2024. We looked to our local Arlington neighborhoods for financial support of Wakefield High School Music. As in past years, many of our neighbors showed their support!

Local neighbors received a knock on the door from a pair of WHS music students, representing the band, choir and orchestra. We asked for support.

Wakefield’s band, choir and orchestra are brimming with talent and hungry for educational and competitive opportunities. The donations received this year will connect the musical resources of our DC/NoVA area with the the vocal and instrumental talent of our students.

Thank you to all the parent drivers, admin team who counted and double counted, folks who put out signs, all the students who walked the routes, and the bucket brigade teams who sang, played music, tossed flags and pounded the pavement.

All Tag Day donations are divided evenly between the band, choir, and orchestra programs at Wakefield High School in Arlington, VA. Thank you for supporting Wakefield music!


Please direct any questions to Mr. Henry Jessup, Band Director, Wakefield High School, at henry.jessup@apsva.us or Mr. Nadim Nader, Choir Director, Wakefield High School, at nadim.nader@apsva.us.
